Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ice and Easy

I have, as of recent, become ever so infatuated with this sport called Curling. It's premise is most interesting in that it incorporates Chess, Bowling, Pool, and Baseball. I realized that it has been a part of the Winter Olympics since 1992, but saw it for the first time in 2005. Then I didn't really understand the concept of the sport, but after some research the other night I have come to love the game of Curling. I hope to one day have the pleasure of attempting the methodical steps of Curling. It seems so poised and prim. Hmm! Like a sport for Engineers...


  1. So I get all the sports references except baseball. Do elaborate.

    How did you see it in '05, that wasn't an Olympic year? I'd love to know when this is on TV in non-Olympic competitions.

  2. I haven't figured out the baseball reference yet either, I merely read it on the bio of Curling. It played in 05 as some world championship portion on versus. It was one of those 1 am shows. It was either world championships or world championship qualifiers.
