Saturday, May 29, 2010

Anthony Anderson in Lafayette

So my cousin is getting married today and her fiancé is Anthony
andersons stunt double and stand-in in Hollywood. Well Anthony
Anderson is the best man in the wedding. He's a really cool guy. It's
nice to meet famous people that realize that they too are human.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

They Grow So Fast

A new year has passed and so have the days of spontaneous vacations.
Our little munchkin is turning 2 this June and am I am starting to
forget what it was like to have a newborn, not enough to have another
kid, but enough to be nostalgic.

Monday, May 24, 2010

थे गोद'स अरे स्मिलिंग

So this past weekend I had some time to sit back and think of what my summer will possibly hold. I got a promotion at my job last week so things were looking up from the earlier part of the year. I realized I would have more free time to indulge in to more activities with the new position and quickly realized, the World Cup started June 11 (very excited), the Tour De France started July 11 (super excited, what a way to transition) and the summer would end with the 2010 X Games. How amazing is this lineup? I couldn't have planned a better sports oriented summer if I were the guy who planned all the sport oriented venues. This is well exciting. The only way to make it better is if the summer started with Futbol and ended the same way.

Call me Mason

So after much deliberation and wonderful input from all of you, which
I sincerely appreciated, my wife has requested a name that I too have
come to like, Mason. It fits him quite well. He is already house
trained and barks at the door when it's time to go do his business
outside. Next is to break him of this incessant chewing. Again thanks
for the input but none of us will be claiming victory in the name game.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Started My New Job This Week

As many of you know, I started a new job this week. I am working for Seatrax Cranes, one pictured above, I scaled to the top the other day, very exhilarating to look over an entire city without being in an airplane. Overall the job is quite menial, I am literally a shop hand and labor in the sun all day. But it's a job for now and perhaps one day it will be a career. I will start rebuilding wenches for the company on Monday, I don't know what that entails, but details to come. I am not accustomed to working outdoors, so it is most definitely a different experience.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Puppy Count is Rising

This is a puppy that was given to us by one of my wifes friends, a
different friend from my previous post. He is known as a Chorkie, half
Chihuahua half Yorkie. We haven't named him yet. I like Ceasar or
Apollo, Ashley likes Gizmo, I like that too but Apollo is awesome.
He's no bigger than the palm of my hand.