Friday, May 6, 2011

Hiatus Relatus

Hello all, my apologies for my absence things have been a bit disarray for us here at the Sharlow establishment. Most notably we have not had internet for a while, in fact, even now I am posting from work.With the end of my soccer season and my unofficial retirement from LHS athletics I have found a great deal of time about me in the afternoon. Thusly, I have begun Insanity by Shaun T Fitness from Beach I intend to keep myself honest in my endeavors and hope to forgo injury for the remainder of the workouts as there are 60 and I am 5 days in. I started Sunday night this past week and have been diligent thus far, but again, I only started this week so it's easy to be committed. I will be posting progression photos this weekend. I have my day one photos taken and need to sort through them and see which are most appropriate for the viewing private. My goal is to update photos every two weeks and hopefully we will see some progress. The hardest part for me is the eating, I don't have to eat anything in particular, I just have to consume 3000 calories of relatively healthy foods all day long. That gets tedious and cumbersome after about day 2.

Some time ago I posted a short expose entitled "We the Runners of Tomorrow". My running has note been very sharp lately as my job is most demanding of my morning and I am quite exhausted come the evenings so I have, in consequence, allowed my life to become more and more taxed by situations and circumstances that very well should not tax me a bit. Although I have kept my whits about me and that helps a great deal with coping.

Baby number 2 will be here before we know it, and that is putting a bit of pressure on the family, Ashley will be graduating soon and hopefully my poor wife will be able to rest... (if you know my wife you know that will not happen) but I seem like a good husband if I wish it for her. We are well excited to have another little monster in the house. Eden is getting so big she is most excited about the matter as well. So things are great for us, I will post my photos soon. If at the end of my 60 workout be sure and ask yourself what were you doing for 5 hrs per week over the last 60 days, then ask yourself if you can accomplish this? I'm not even sure if I can.

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