Tuesday, October 29, 2013


There is a back story to this conversation that without it would be lost in translation. I was sitting with Eden watching telly. In a moment of spontaneity, Eden asked me a question, the question was very innocent and had no inflection points. In that moment, I replied as though I were speaking to an adult. Eden's poise in the question was very mature, the question even more so, ergo, my response was penned on the same scale. Here it goes.

Eden: Daddy, is Santa real, or a fiction character for stories?

I didn't realize the gravitas of this query, so my response was as mundane as I thought the question was.

Me: No, Santa isn't real Eden. He's a fictional character used in stories, much like the Bubble Guppies and Dora. He's a fun character though, he makes people smile.

It was at this point I realized what was actually happening... actually

Eden: So who buys the gifts?

Couldn't back out now...

Me: Well, your family buys all the gifts, we wrap them and put them under the tree. You do enjoy it right?

Eden: I do enjoy it, but it all seems like trickery Daddy. I don't think I should tell the other kids about this. They think Santa is real. This will be our secret, ok?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't on the verge of tears when she said this. I didn't have a response, so I congratulated her on her decision and agreed, it was indeed our little secret. I think she was more concerned with her sisters position on the matter.