Oscar Wilde once said that looking good and dressing well is a necessity, having a purpose in life is not.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
What's the Deal?
Sunday, September 25, 2011
It Feels Quite Nice to be Back
Noble Plastics is a custom plastic mold injection manufacturer in Grand Coteau, La. We are in a vast array of businesses' and markets. We work with indivual inventors, developers and entrepenuers, to the elite members of the US Military. We operate in a 30,000 sq. ft. facility off of Hwy 49 at exit 11. We presently have an Industrial Designer, 3 Mechanical Engineers (2 with PE's), a Process Analyst with a Ph.D, and now, for the very first time, a Marketing and Sales Specialist (me). Our facility is incredibly hi tech and incredibly advanced. We are currently running 6 Six Sigma Axis Robots:
I have attached a short video to show what our robots do, I cannot show what products we are currently producing nor can I show photos from the back of the shop as I am bound by law to keep all that private, at any rate, the video of the robot is pretty much what we have, we have 6, 3 of which operate on a 24 hr scale. Employing Robots has created some moral and ethical questions about putting people out of work, but our robots work so diligently that we have been fortunate to employ more people and we are still in need of personnel. Our robots are creating jobs, which is really exciting.
I have been with the company now for 2 weeks and I have a really great thing going. My bosses are amazing and the people I work with are wonderful. Recently it was a young girls birthday, that morning the owners of the company cooked a 3 course breakfast just for her, everyone was invited, but it was in honor of her birthday. Last Thursday I was out back working in a non air conditioned portion of the warehouse for about 8 hours (I had come in really early), I was pulled from the warehouse at 3 to find a huge bowl of ice cream had been fixed for me! I think I have found my family with this company, I start traveling for them next week and I am ecstatic. I hope to be able to grow the company as well as grow with the company.
Well, I finally have internet again and just at the right time, Cox was running some new customer discount stuff and I have Fox Soccer Channel, super pumped about that. No more missing games! Although I am glad I missed that Man Utd. Chelsea game last week.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
How You Know Your Phone is Soccer Based
I've played the sport since my youth, its been a constant in my life, surpassing all other hobbies I've ever taken on. In that, my "smart phone" has adopted my general conversation with producing words soccer related in the midst of a non soccer conversation. The words are as follows:
Of = PK
Check = Chelsea
Shit = Man Utd.
In = JB
Crap = Man Utd.
Ass = Arsenal
Post = Pass (suggested)
Go = GK
English = EPL
Most = MLS
These are the ones I see the most, I'm sure there are more, but they elude me at the present moment. Found it funny what I choose to overwrite to my phones dictionary.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The Tough Mudder Approaches
A really close friend of mine is a school teacher at a local private school, she teaches the 4 year olds. In her class she has a young boy from Vietnam who is just learning English. This confabulation ensued yesterday during arts and crafts.
The kids were playing with Styrofoam shapes:
Kid 1: Look, stickura, stickura!
Kid 2: Ms. D... what is he saying?
Teacher: he's saying sticker.
Kid 1: Wead, Wead, herre.
Kid 2: What does it say?
Teacher: It says, "Made In China"
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Thought of the Day
So this morning on my run I made a deal with my wife, she was at home sleeping. I established her argument, then I developed mine, found a common ground and went through with the plan. When she discovered my grand scheme upon waking up she was so impressed that she got mad at me. If that ain't love.
The dilemma was, she hates when I come in the house after a run and walk my sweaty feet on the floor, and she also hates when I wear shoes in the house... so... the deal was I would leave a towel at the front door wear flip flops from door to bathroom while drying on the way. It was full proof.
You know you're a runner when...